
The right to protest

Harold Hodge believes in the power of protest.

“It’s important,” he said as he walked on First Street in front of the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. "I believe people should have the right to protest and picket against the government.”

But, he says, it’s a right that is disappearing.

“They,” he said, as he pointed up at the white columns, “are taking it away from us.”

In January 2011, Hodge was standing on the public plaza above the steps of the court wearing a sign around his neck. It read “The U.S. Gov. allows police to illegally murder and brutalize African-Americans and Hispanic people."


Lou Buren of TWAU BLOG: I believe people should have the right to PEACEFULLY protest. But with what's been happening with the occupy rioters I can see why they have to designate certain area's that people are allowed to protest in. Let me explain what peacefully protesting means; You don't break anything, you follow orders given to you by police. You hold up your sign or whatever and you stay out of people's way. Do not block progress of every day people living their lives.

I have never been a fan of protesters myself, I believe it to be a total waste of time. Because, nothing has ever changed because of any protest. And all it really does, is show us how much of an unemployed population we have.

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