

I was talking with a guy on FaceBook earlier today and he mentioned something about Mike Huckabee forcing a theocracy upon America should he run for president and win in 2016.  I asked him what he thought would be bad about a theocracy?  He responded by saying, look what it's like in countries like Iran etc...

Iran is run by Islam, a false religion of hate and murder. Of course a theocracy ran by Islam would be horrible. But Huckabee's faith is Christianity. Now, I don't believe for one minute that Huckabee would force a theocracy on anyone. But let's just take a moment and think about what a Christian theocracy would be like...

If the government ran it's laws and rule system based off the Bibles blueprint on how to live our lives just imagine how great it would be to have laws that say children will honor their mothers and fathers. That people will not have sex out of wed-lock. Imagine how that alone would resolve unwanted pregnancies and STD's. But mankind is far to sinful to ever want to give up their porn and fornication.

Homosexuality would be outlawed of course as the Bible teaches that GOD despises sexual sin. So, I challenge anyone to give a good reason as to why a Christian theocracy wouldn't be a great idea... But, it can't be because it would hinder ones ability to sin. As that would be the only thing people would have a problem with.

The ten commandments are all good laws that would be great if they were instituted into federal law.
And why not?, Most federal buildings have them hanging on their walls.

"While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." George Washington 1st U.S. President

"Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God ... What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be." John Adams 2nd U.S. President and Signer of the Declaration of Independence.

"Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. ... Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us." John Hancock 1st Signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Thanks for reading,
Lou Buren of TWAU-BLOG



The November elections

The November elections are very important because it's going to render Obama powerless by making him a lame-duck. I fully believe in 2016 the GOP will retain the House, and gain the Senate and White-house. Some of the evil's inflicted by the liberals can and will be reset back to normal.

Most importantly the era of the black man controlling offices of the united states will be over. No more Holder or Obama. No more seeing the likes of Al Sharpton on TV spreading his hate of the white man. Just like anything else in life the blacks screw everything up. It was no different when he had the chance to run America.

You watch these pants sagging thugs out in Ferguson Missouri destroying property and looting business's and you really start to realize that as a people group they are disgusting. Unintelligent, and out of control. It's no wonder why prisons are so full of them.

It's time for the white man to take control of the situation. And put blacky back in his place at the back of the bus.


Ferguson-shooting witness wanted in 2011 case

Ferguson-shooting witness wanted in 2011 case

This so called witness is nothing more than a piece of crap thug criminal. His word means nothing. Brown was a piece of crap criminal and he got justice. Now let's just hope the rest of these turds with their saggin pants get shot somewhere. America is better off without these idiots.

If these pieces of crap who were rioting and destroying property want to act a fool like that, shoot to kill. Idiocy shouldn't be tolerated.


The suicide of actor Robin Williams

It's always sad when someone is so depressed or mixed up that they feel they must take their own life. Robin Williams was a great actor and he will be missed. We know that suicide is a sin, but we pray that God will forgive him and accept him into his loving arms.

As a remembrance for MR. Williams we present this clip of some of his work:


Obama's attack on America

CLICK HERE    for the article

Obama's policies have caused a huge influx of illegal aliens to pour into our nation through the borders that have never been secured. The article above named some of the diseases that we must now deal with because of this tragic occurrence caused by Obama. But what about the diseases it doesn't name? These illegal kids and adults could be carrying anything from HIV to the Ebola virus.

And if it's this easy to get into our nation by the borders, do you really think the terrorists haven't thought to come in the exact same way??

I mean, hell Obama doesn't seem to give a damn. But then again why would he? He's not even an American. He's not one of us. He's an evil liberal one world government activist. And this is just another one of his moves to down-grade America into the ranks of other lowly 3rd world countries. And to bring other people's into America because when he does this it plants the idea that borders don't exist. And people slowly become comfortable with the idea of a one world global government.

He's not a stupid person, he's just very wicked. He knows exactly what he's doing. And the blind goats out there blindly follow his evil.