
Congress Ignored Us

A message from governor Mike Huckabee......

For months, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have insisted that government knows best when it comes to health care reform.

With yesterday's vote, Congress decided what kind of health care you have access to and how much it will cost.

Two things are clear:

• Congress does NOT respect us
• Congress MUST think we are fools

I am frustrated and I know you are as well. Ten days ago I launched a website called CallCongressNow.com and asked voters to call their representatives and Senators and tell them to vote NO. Over 151,000 people visited the website and spent almost 4,000 hours on the phone pleading with their leaders in Washington to vote NO.

This time Congress ignored us, and instead listened to party bosses and Government insiders.

If your congressman voted “YES” then your family will be burdened with mountains of debt.

If your congressman voted “YES” then your tax dollars will be used to fund abortions.

If your congressman voted “YES” then it is up to us to let him know how we feel.

This fight is far from over. Now there is something else we can and must do: Replace this Congress with Republicans that will listen to the people.

Let’s tell the yes votes “NO” this November.

Sadly, there’s only one thing many elected officials understand – campaign contributions. Your calls and e-mails matter, but if you really want to influence the future of this country, you have to fight fire with fire.

I have set a goal of 3000 new donations to Huck PAC before the end of the month. Contribute $5 or more online or through the mail and we will help fund conservative candidates nationwide. We will target the “YES” votes on this bill and work hard to send them home for good. ~CLICK HERE~

I'm writing checks this year to people I trust so they will replace the ones I don't. I hope you'll do the same.

Please support Huck PAC today with an immediate online donation of $5 or more and help us reach our end of month goal. ~CLICK HERE~

If we really want to change the political system in this nation, then we need to give our time and our money to elect someone who will work for us.

Let's turn yesterday's vote into the momentum we need to return this Congress to the people.

Mike Huckabee

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