

Just as famed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is preparing to release results of his investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Arizona’s 2012 ballot, a top-gun activist who led a successful campaign to recall a key Arpaio ally is now targeting the sheriff himself.

In the coming weeks, it will be decided whether transplanted radical attorney-activist and “community organizer” Randy Parraz can force Arpaio to resign before the sheriff’s Cold Case Posse has a chance to deliver a report in February.

Parraz, who has made his career applying Saul Alinsky-style community organizer tactics for radical leftist movements in the U.S. and Canada, has told WND that Arpaio “has to go.”

Arpaio’s response: “No way will I resign,” he told WND.

Parraz’s skills as a leftist political activist are not to be underestimated. Last year, he helped lead the recall campaign that removed long-time Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce after Pearce championed the passage of Arizona’s tough immigration bill, SB 1070.

With Pearce gone, Parraz has set his sites on Arpaio.

“Our focus right now is to hold Sheriff Arpaio accountable for what he has done – his abuse of power, the corruption, all the things he has done under his leadership,” Parraz told WND in a telephone interview. “We need to have a fresh start; we need to get him out

Parraz said “the only way we can do this is to engage the citizens in a way in which they have never been engaged before.”

He has focused his strategy on the five-person Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, the governing body that directly oversees the operation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.

“We are going to the Jan. 11 meeting of the Board of Supervisors to get placed on the agenda the recent Department of Justice and the report of the 400 uninvestigated sex crimes,” he explained.

A vote of three of the five supervisors or a decision by the chairman is required to get an item placed on the board’s agenda.

As WND reported, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has issued a 22-page report charging that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has engaged in racial profiling of Hispanics and other violations of federal civil rights laws.

Parraz’s maneuver is strictly political, since the Board of Supervisors lacks the authority to force the sheriff to resign.


The liberals are extremely afraid of the results of Sheriff Joe's investigation being exposed. That has never been more clear. Sheriff Joe is America's top cop and we trust that he would never resign because of this lames pressure tactics. Please join us in supporting Sheriff Joe!

He has been a true leader in the fight to secure our borders. He has been seeking the truth about Obama's qualifications to be president. The wicked liberals hate how he does his job, because he does his job well.

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