Liberty Counsel
In a speech allegedly calling for a more civil
national political discourse, President Obama
said dissenting Americans may incite "extreme
elements" to violence. In other words, "If
you don't agree with me, you're a dangerous
extremist." - Mat.
The Scolder-in-Chief is at it again. The President's speech
at the University of Michigan commencement ceremony over
the weekend was, as analyst Greg Knapp described it, a
"self serving, political speech chastising Americans who
disagree with his ideas and policies that are leading us
to even bigger government."
In his speech, Obama warned that today's
political discourse can "send signals to the
most extreme elements of our society that
perhaps violence is a justifiable response."
Instead of dealing with the legitimate reasons why, according
to a recent Pew Research poll, 80% of Americans now deeply
distrust our federal government, Obama once again launched
an attack against... the people of the United States!
This President and Congress are dangerously out of touch...
That's why Liberty Counsel has launched our "DON'T TREAD
ON ME" campaign to rally tens of thousands of citizens
to strongly resist the liberal activists in our government.
Liberty Counsel's petition declares a "Cease and Desist"
mandate on our President and Congress to stop undermining
our Constitution, crushing our liberties and marginalizing
the faith and family values that the majority of Americans
hold dear.
As of this writing, Liberty Counsel has received
requests for over 50,000 "Don't Tread on Me"
patriotic window stickers - all within a week
of the initial offering.
The tens of thousands of citizens responding to our "Don't
Tread on Me" Petition realize that it is vitally important
that concerned American citizens MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD
during a time when our Constitution and precious liberties
are under full-scale assault by the Obama Administration
and the ultraliberal 111th Congress.
Please go here right now to sign your "Don't
Tread on Me" petition and to see your FREE
window sticker: CLICK HERE
The power to "shape our own destiny."
In his speech in Michigan, the President also said, "We,
the people, hold in our hands the power to choose our
leaders and change our laws, and shape our own destiny."
Mr. Obama, if that is truly the philosophy of your presidency,
why has your administration so consistently thwarted the
clearly expressed will of the American people?
Transparency? Responsiveness to the people? ObamaCare
was passed through backroom deals, legislative maneuvering,
and political arm-twisting done at stunning, unprecedented
And ObamaCare's heavy-handed, unconstitutional
expansion of government into the private lives
of Americans has paved the way for EVEN MORE
oppressive attacks on our faith, families and
Right now, a $50 billion fund to liquidate troubled banks
is being debated on the Senate floor. Working with Majority
Leader Harry Reid, President Barack Obama has once again
used his "bully pulpit" to push what has been accurately
described as "a permanent TARP bailout."
Cap and Trade, which Senator Reid has recently "expedited"
in the Senate, would add additional taxes to businesses
and impose substantial expenses on all Americans. And
Democrats have threatened to use arrogant "ObamaCare
tactics" to pass this unwanted, unneeded legislation.
And President Obama has vowed to do "whatever
is necessary" to get the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) enacted and
get the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
repealed. Both of these agenda items promote
homosexuality, literally elevating GLBT
(Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual) persons
to "protected status" under the law - all
against the will of most Americans.
An imperative message every patriot should proclaim.
If you have attended or seen footage of recent Tea Party
or other patriotic rallies, then you have probably seen
citizens waving their bright yellow "Don't Tread on Me!"
We have taken the key elements of this flag -
including its striking color - and incorporated
them in a sticker that you can proudly display
on your car or home. It is a free gift to you
when you join us in signing our "Don't Tread
on Me" petition.
NOW is the time to send to President Obama, his leftist
administration, and the ultraliberal 111th Congress the
undiluted message, "Don't Tread on Me!"
After signing your petition, we will send your free
sticker by return mail (please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery).
Go here to see the sticker's design and request your free copy:
Modern American patriots know that standing
up to oppressive government intrusion into our lives is
just as important today as it was for Patrick Henry and
his compatriots during the revolutionary period.
Big government extremism must be resisted in every generation!
And as I have frequently said, comparing America's
revolutionary times with our own, we are now facing even
more oppression than the colonial generation.
Liberty Counsel's "Don't Tread on Me" campaign provides
an opportunity for tens of thousands of Americans to voice
their opposition to the tyrannical actions of the
Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis of power.
We must now stand together... or we could lose our liberties
for all time! That's why I want you to sign your petition
and to receive your "Don't Tread on Me" sticker. Click Here
I urge you to take a minute to sign this important petition.
This is a citizen action that every freedom-loving American
should take. Also, please make your circle of friends
aware of this campaign and the availability of our
complimentary "Don't Tread on Me" campaign stickers.
Thank you and God bless America!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. No matter what President Obama says in speeches like
his condescending address in Michigan, you cannot blame
the people for failing to realize how "brilliant" the
administration is (or, thinks it is)! Thank you for
joining with Liberty Counsel in sending a powerful "Don't
Tread on Me" message to our "progressive" government
officials. We'll send your colorful campaign sticker
as soon as we record your signed petition. God bless you!
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