Obama: 'Massive blow' if GOP blocks payroll tax
NEW YORK (AP) -- Blending governing with re-election politics, President Barack Obama roused a cheering northeast Pennsylvania crowd Wednesday as he warned of a "massive blow to the economy" if Republicans block a payroll tax extension.
(This idiot is a fine example to speak on blows to the economy)
But hours later, addressing donors in New York, he toned his rhetoric down and declared progress was possible.
Obama took to the road with a dual pitch for money, campaigning for more cash in the pockets of U.S. workers - and for his campaign treasury as well.
He pressed his case at a campaign-style rally in working-class Scranton, Pa., where he said Republicans had to choose between lower taxes for the wealthy, or a payroll tax cut that would help working Americans. Republicans say they would support extending the payroll tax cut, but reject new taxes to offset the costs.
"Are you going to cut taxes for the middle class and those who are trying to get into the middle class, or are you going to protect massive tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires?" he said. "Are you going to ask a few hundred thousand people who have done very, very well to do their fair share or are you going to raise taxes for hundreds of millions of people across the country?"
Later, in donor-rich New York City where he was raising money for his already flush re-election bid, he took a more conciliatory tone, acknowledging that Republicans such as House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky were also willing to extend the payroll tax, though not with a tax increase on millionaires.
We here at TWAU BLOG hope and pray you'll all join us in supporting whoever the GOP nominee ends up being. Obama must be booted from the white-house. He has buried our kids and their kids in a sea of debt in which they may never recover from. He supports horrid things like abortion, homosexuality, and a one world government.
It's time to reverse some of the evils Obama has inflicted on America, like repealing the ObamaCare bill. And huge government spending. Obama has put America 15 trillion dollars in debt. And still pretty much most Americans who are not white support him.
It's time to wise up people. This guy is garbage. Time for the GOP to take back the white house.